The seminars are informal opportunities for people to share something with the rest of the family.
Seminar A: The Family Business
Dr. Phil Harper
The Harpers have demonstrated, across the generations considerable ability as innovators and entrepreneurs. This is an incredibly rich and varied resource which, if focused carefully, has great potential to achieve success in a new enterprise. Phil bring his expertise and experience from founding two companies to explore the question, is there something distinctively ‘Harper’ that we can bring to the world of business, to perhaps work together to achieve something great?
Seminar B: Being A Harper Abroad
Roger Harper
Following on from the success of a previous seminar, “Being a Mrs. Harper”, Roger has travelled with his family all the way from Sweden to share with us his thoughts, observations and research on the what and why of “Being a Harper Abroad”.
Help Roger out by completing the survey!
Now that the seminar is finished you can download the results of the survey here.
Seminar C: Sgt. Robert Harper & The Kilkenny Militia
Lt. Larry Scallon (Irish Defence Forces)
Larry Scallon is the moderator for the visitor centre and museum at St. Stephen’s Barracks in Kilkenny. He will be regaling us with tales of what life would have been like for Sgt. Robert Harper, a soldier in the Kilkenny Militia in the early 19th century. After we break for lunch, Larry will be bringing us on a tour of St. Stephen’s Barracks, where Sgt. Robert served.
Seminar D: It’s In The Genes
Nikki Harper – Cardiac Genetic Counsellor
With the family gathered around for the reunion, you may start to notice some familiar characteristics, traits and quirks across the generations.
In the last 50 years there has been an explosion in our knowledge about inheritance. From the discovery of DNA through to the sequencing of the entire human genome, these advancements have allowed us to better understand how our bodies develop, work and eventually age. Leaving us with the question… is it all in the genes?
Seminar E: Our Response To The Poor
Mark Harper : Director of Concern (NGO) – Zimbabwe
Valeria Harper: Qualified Speech and Language Therapist, volunteering in a Children’s Orphanage – Mozambique
Brian Alcorn: Student, short team trips with Rock Ministries – Uganda
The Harpers have a great history of helping others so we’ve asked a few of our well travelled cousins to share their experiences of aid work in different parts of Africa. We’ll hear what it’s really like to work thousands of miles away from home in a completely different culture and how you can get involved too!
Seminar F: Who Do You Think You Are?
Sam, Les and Gordon Harper
Ever wondered if you are related to royality? Maybe you want to hear about the skeletons in the family closet? This is the seminar for you!
We will be delving into the family history, going back as far as the first known Harper to settle in Kilkenny and hearing tales of those who sought a better life over seas.
One not to be missed!